Very often, web developers find themselves stuck with a script written in javascript or jquery and they need to ask for help. Asking for help like this can be a tedious process considering the fact that your code is a combination of the powerful trio: CSS, HTML, JS. So, instead of zipping your project and sending it over to me, just make a jsfiddle. jsfiddle has editors for HTML, CSS and JS and a result section - being able to see the result is crucial with web development.
Here are the most notable characteristics:
- Choice of platforms - Offers many JS plaftorms: Mootools, jquery, Prototype, Raphael, YUI, Glow, ExtJS just to name a few
- TidyUp - indents that messy unindented code
- JSLint - uses Douglas Crockford's tool to make sure your JavaScript source code complies with coding rules.
- Share your fiddle - gives a link to your fiddle that other can view
- Embed your fiddle - at the end of the post I have embedded a sample fiddle that you can view
- Share full screen result - you can view the full screen result of the sample fiddle here
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